Number Tense Dawning Strict di Whyte Eberekpe Whyte edito da iUniverse
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Number Tense Dawning Strict







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Descrizione Number Tense Dawning Strict

There was a time when the animals were happy and healthy looking. They took part in their daily activities with pride and never thought the future would be bleak. But the reality of the recession is sinking in. When the animals go to the stores to buy what they need, they are told that the era of "buy one get one free" is over. The poor animals go to the welfare office and are given lower weekly allowances or refused money altogether. Meanwhile, as the majority of animals are suffering, Mr. Bull is trying to keep the Money House afloat in spite of an unsustainable demand for loans and signs of even larger problems. His wife spends lavishly as animals in neighboring gardens starve and struggle. Now, Mr. Bull has to also contend with the leaders of the Mafia - a group of greedy animals led by Lord Cheetah - pressuring him to make sure that the Money House survives. They know that if it fails, their lives of privilege will be threatened. Take a new and modern view of George Orwell's Animal Farm as today's animals struggle with the recession in Number Tense Dawning Strict.

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