Now Is the Time: Step Out in Faith Step Into Courage Step Out of the Past Step Into Your Purpose di Pam Jarrett edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Now Is the Time: Step Out in Faith Step Into Courage Step Out of the Past Step Into Your Purpose

Step Out in Faith Step Into Courage Step Out of the Past Step Into Your Purpose







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Descrizione Now Is the Time: Step Out in Faith Step Into Courage Step Out of the Past Step Into Your Purpose

Now is the time... To do whatever it is you've been too afraid or weak to do. To step into a greater position of authority and blessing. To be obedient to the Lord and fulfill your purpose. To witness to the lost and hopeless world around you. To walk in power and abide in the presence of the Lord. To stop being lukewarm in your relationship with Christ. To realize the influence you have on others. To be the one who chooses to rise up and speak out.

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