Novel Writing for Wanna-be's di Sam McCarver edito da iUniverse
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Novel Writing for Wanna-be's

A Writer-friendly Guidebook







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Descrizione Novel Writing for Wanna-be's

Novel Writing for Wanna-be's is just what you've been looking for: an easy-to-read and enjoyable practical guide in how to write a novel written by a published author and experienced instructor. With this one book, learn everything you need to know about putting your novel together in a professional manner and in a very readable and entertaining form. Learn how to turn your story idea into an intriguing plot and how to create memorable characters. Learn how to write compelling scenes and natural dialogue. Use the dozens of case studies and examples included in this guidebook in helping you to present your own novel in a format agents and editors prefer. And, finally, learn about the publication process and how to make that important good first impression on an agent or editor in achieving your goal, and living your dream, of having your novel published. Praise for Sam McCarver's John Darnell Mystery Novels: "Wonderful fun . . . John and Penny are emerging as a formidable team that will have readers looking forward to their next adventure." --The Mystery Reader "Entertaining, fast-paced . . . McCarver does a masterful job." --Romantic Times "The Case of the Ripper's Revenge is a superb historical mystery." --Harriet Klausner, "McCarver's descriptive prowess makes the world of 1916 England come to life in The Case of the 2nd Seance." --Romantic Times

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