Novel Immune Potentiators and Delivery Technologies for Next Generation Vaccines edito da Springer US
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Novel Immune Potentiators and Delivery Technologies for Next Generation Vaccines


Springer US





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Descrizione Novel Immune Potentiators and Delivery Technologies for Next Generation Vaccines

Development of new-generation vaccines is now more challenging than ever, as identifying, purifying and evaluating vaccine antigens is a complex undertaking. Most importantly, once the relevant antigens have been identified, key focus then shifts to the development of suitable delivery systems and formulations to achieve maximum in vivo potency with minimum potential side effects. These novel formulations¿many of which will be nanoparticulates¿can deliver the antigens to the desired site, to the relevant antigen presenting cells, and prevent systemic exposure of the immune potentiators. The proposed book will outline all the critical steps that need to be considered for successful development of various types of nanoparticulate delivery systems for vaccine antigens. These contributions from leading experts in the area of vaccine formulation and delivery systems will tie in what is the most current status, including clinical evaluations with these novel vaccine technologies.¿

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