Nothing but Drama di Antony Moussignac edito da iUniverse
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Nothing but Drama







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Descrizione Nothing but Drama

Monica Stevens just turned thirty, has a great career, wonderful friends, but something was missing. A man! The problem is that she's still in love with her ex-boyfriend Michael Edison aka "womanizer". Things begin to change when sexy twenty-two year old Sean Madison is interested in her, his passionate kisses sets her heart on fire but can she look pass his age and realize that he's the real deal . Shauna Knowles is getting married in couple of months to Keith Anderson a handsome surgeon who swept her off her feet. He operated on her following a terrible car accident and proposed two years later. As her wedding approaches her life is turned upside down when Peter Morris, a man from her past, resurfaces and stirs up old feelings . Tina Sommers is a single mom filled with anger and resentment towards her son's father Bryan Henderson. His abandonment during her pregnancy brought nothing but heartache and pain. Now that he's back in her son's life, she decides to set her stubbornness aside to give her son the family he deserves. The problem is its becoming harder for her to set aside the feelings that continue to burn for him . These women rely on each other as they begin to learn a life lesson; that falling in love can bring nothing but drama .

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