Nonsense Books di Edward Lear edito da Books LLC, Reference Series

Nonsense Books





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Excerpt: ... out again, And is quite alive yet. f Lively young fish! G G was a goat Who was spotted with brown: When he did not lie still He walked up and down. g Good little goat! H H was a hat Which was all on one side; Its crown was too high, And its brim was too wide. h Oh, what a hat! I I was some ice So white and so nice, But which nobody tasted; And so it was wasted. i All that good ice! J J was a jackdaw Who hopped up and down In the principal street Of a neighboring town. j All through the town! K K was a kite Which flew out of sight, Above houses so high, Quite into the sky. k Fly away, kite! L L was a light Which burned all the night, And lighted the gloom Of a very dark room. l Useful nice light! M M was a mill Which stood on a hill, And turned round and round With a loud hummy sound. m Useful old mill! N N was a net Which was thrown in the sea To catch fish for dinner For you and for me. n Nice little net! O O was an orange So yellow and round: When it fell off the tree, It fell down to the ground. o Down to the ground! P P was a pig, Who was not very big; But his tail was too curly, And that made him surly. p Cross little pig! Q Q was a quail With a very short tail; And he fed upon corn In the evening and morn. q Quaint little quail! R R was a rabbit, Who had a bad habit Of eating the flowers In gardens and bowers. r Naughty fat rabbit! S S was the sugar-tongs, Nippity-nee, To take up the sugar To put in our tea. s Nippity-nee!

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