Nobody's Angel di Monique Miller edito da URBAN BOOKS
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Nobody's Angel







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Descrizione Nobody's Angel

Ci Ci Jackson, A.K.A. Morgan Tracy, has a past that has finally caught up with her. During a stint in prison, Morgan has a chance to reflect on the life she's lived and the mistakes she's made. Miraculously, she's given a second chance to make things right within her life. Now she can either turn to the Lord for forgiveness and redemption, or she can rely on her own devices to obtain the life she's always dreamed about. Because of past letdowns and disappointments, Morgan decides to embark on a self-directed mission to find a new husband, leaving God out of the equation. She is determined to make things happen for herself by any means necessary. Life seems to be blissful, until she gets herself into a situation that is too big to handle. Will Morgan finally let go of the hurt and pain she's experienced and seek the plan the Lord has for her instead?Ci Ci Jackson, A.K.A. Morgan Tracy, has a past that has finally caught up with her. During a stint in prison, Morgan has a chance to reflect on the life she's lived and the mistakes she's made. Miraculously, she's given a second chance to make things right within her life. Now she can either turn to the Lord for forgiveness and redemption, or she can rely on her own devices to obtain the life she's always dreamed about. Because of past letdowns and disappointments, Morgan decides to embark on a self-directed mission to find a new husband, leaving God out of the equation. She is determined to make things happen for herself by any means necessary. Life seems to be blissful, until she gets herself into a situation that is too big to handle. Will Morgan finally let go of the hurt and pain she's experienced and seek the plan the Lord has for her instead?

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