The No Title Book di Siew Lan Lim edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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The No Title Book







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Descrizione The No Title Book

" Do you feel out of control, as though you're not in charge of your own life? Does it seem like others are living your life for you? You have the power to change that feeling. You can take charge of your destiny. Author Lim Siew Lan believes we all have the capacity to meet a higher purpose by simply tapping into the depths of our own minds. In this inspirational manual, she presents a guide to discovering the depth and dimensionality of the mind through a series of an ancient time tested inspired steps designed to resemble those found in a common recipe book. She offers a true recipe for success in all aspects of life. Lim Siew Lan believes you are the captain of your own ship, and you must be well-trained and well-equipped in order to weather the storms that life brings to each of us. After a lifetime of dedicated spiritual study, she has created this collection of essential wisdom to help you delve deep into your own being and become aware of your own mind. Learning about yourself and what makes you tick is the key to a lifetime of success."

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