No Time for Dreams di Kane McCrory edito da iUniverse
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No Time for Dreams







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Descrizione No Time for Dreams

Thirty-year-old Caroline "Carly" Slater is content with her life. Ten years ago, she married Paxton, the love of her life, and they're looking forward to starting a family. She also has a challenging career as a psychiatrist at Florida's Seagrove Hospital. But shortly after her 30th birthday, Paxton unexpectedly dies. Shattered from the loss, Carly numbly goes through life for the next five years without even thinking of looking at another man. Her career saves her sanity, but it is the evening hours that become her enemy. Nightmares plague her, leaving her exhausted and upset, and longing for a love that can never be. When Carly decides to dip her toes back into the dating pool, three powerful men vie for her attention. There's Jason, Paxton's former business partner and friend, who vowed to take care of her; sexy veterinarian Tommy Lavery, who looks incredible in a pair of jeans, but holds a mysterious past; and Zack, Paxton's former college roommate and one of Carly's closest friends. Each one offers her something dangerous and different. Will Carly find the love she so desperately wants and needs, or will she jeopardize her heart? Brimming with romance and emotion, No Time for Dreams portrays one woman's quest to heal her wounded soul and find everlasting love.

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