No One Likes Just Plain Pumpkin di Ron A Branch edito da iUniverse
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No One Likes Just Plain Pumpkin

Encouragement For Living Out The Expectations Of Biblical Christianity







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Descrizione No One Likes Just Plain Pumpkin

The Bible indicates that prayers smell good to God. The Bible indicates that people often look good to God. But, have you ever considered the fact that sometimes people do not taste good to God? The Lord's words to the church at Laodicea in Revelation 3 indicate this very fact, for He said, "Because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth." Why did He indicate the people of the church at Laodicea did not taste good to Him? It was essentially because they were failing to live out His purposes for principled Christian living. In No One Likes Just Plain Pumpkin, Pastor Ron Branch takes in hand to explain the importance for Christians to be more than just plain pumpkin Christians. Just like taking a spoonful of plain pumpkin will make most people gag, church people who do not embrace and mature in the principles of life in Jesus Christ may have the same affect on the Lord as suggested by His words to the Laodicean church. This book will both teach and encourage people of the church how important it is to taste good to God.

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