The Nine Lives of Bianca Moon di Delas Heras edito da CROSS SEAS PR
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The Nine Lives of Bianca Moon

Morton Digby




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Descrizione The Nine Lives of Bianca Moon

Murder, ghosts, and a vengeful fiancée? The Nine Lives of Bianca Moon is the purr-fect blend of humorous fantasy, detective story, and ghostly fun. Set in the 1950s, in an alternate world run by cats and dogs, the action kicks off with the mysterious murder of journalist Flint Lockford on the streets of Greenwich Village. Junior Detective Morton Digby and his partner Detective J.B. Puddleworth launch their investigation, but must contend with Flint's feisty fiancée, Bianca Moon, who is determined to take justice into her own paws. Meanwhile, Flint's ghost arrives at Ghosthall, an abandoned courthouse now home to a band of rowdy ghosts. There he meets new friends and learns the ins and outs of being a spook. When he sets out to find Bianca, he is shocked to learn she has embarked on a reckless quest for revenge. Determined to protect her from her own feline fury, but limited by his ghostly powers, Flint must rely on Junior Detective Morton Digby and his partner to collar the killers before Bianca runs out of lives.

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