Nicked di Joanna Hill edito da AUSTIN MACAULEY
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Descrizione Nicked

Nicked unfurls a riveting tale of high-stakes art theft, where the worlds of crime and culture collide. A Parisian van, laden with precious fine art destined for a London sale, falls prey to a cunning heist. Amidst this chaos, Alistair, a casual holidaymaker, finds himself thrust into the heart of the intrigue. Urged to chase the thieves, his pursuit catapults him across the Channel, back to France. Set predominantly in the picturesque southwest of France, Nicked invites readers to explore the enchanting ambience of a 14th-century village perched atop a hill, a locale unwittingly entwined in the heist. By a twist of fate, this village, steeped in history and mystery, is where Alistair owns a summer retreat. As the narrative weaves through the cobbled streets and ancient architecture, suspense builds: will the art thieves' paths cross with that of Alistair, the impromptu investigator? Nicked masterfully combines the allure of a rustic French village with the adrenaline of a crime thriller, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as they ponder whether the art and its pursuer will converge in this unexpected haven.

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