Nicholas and Veronica di Raymond G. Schmidt Ii edito da Archway Publishing
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Nicholas and Veronica

A Love Story





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Descrizione Nicholas and Veronica

Nicholas was born fifteen hundred years ago in a world much different from our own. He lived, he worked, and he heard stories about a man named Jesus. He eventually met Veronica. The two felt connected to one another, and they fell deeply in love. They never could have foreseen the great purpose God had for them both. Together, they go on adventures featuring everyone from English royalty to barbarian tribes. Eventually, Nicholas and Veronica realize they are destined to live extraordinarily long lives. They are drawn to a specially prepared pocket dimension at the North Pole, where they establish a settlement and Nicholas gradually becomes the familiar figure we know as Santa Claus. Over time, there has been much discussion about the relationship between Santa Claus and the true meaning of Christmas. What does a man dressed in red with a reindeer-drawn sleigh have to do with the Christ child? In this magical retelling, Nicholas acknowledges the Almighty through his service. After all, God created everything, even Santa Claus.

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