Nicaraguan Odyssey: The Adventures of an American Duster Pilot in 1953 Nicaragua di Richard Fred Trimble edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Nicaraguan Odyssey: The Adventures of an American Duster Pilot in 1953 Nicaragua

The Adventures Of An American Duster Pilot In 1953 Nicaragua







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Descrizione Nicaraguan Odyssey: The Adventures of an American Duster Pilot in 1953 Nicaragua

Nicaraguan Odyssey is the story of an American Duster pilot who with his two pilot companions and their airplanes, make the journey to a very unstable country in Central America, Nicaragua, in 1953. The old adage of just getting there, is one half of the story. Tropical storms, revolutions in progress, holiday revelry and third world methods, slow the progress of the trip. However, after persevering through all of their trials and tribulations they arrive to find themselves welcomed by a very generous and loving group of people who make every effort possible to keep them happy and well entertained by the lovely girls and friends of the Plantation owners in the city of Leon. All of the work is not drudgery, there are some very hilarious activities, as well as a few close calls with the infamous riptide of Poneloya Beach. An attempted Assassination of the President in their presence reminds them of where they are. There are several brushes with hazards of the occupation. Nicaraguan Odyssey will keep you turning the page to discover what Pete Harberg does next.

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