Nguni Stands Up to Gure the Bully di Marianne G. Bema edito da Lulu Publishing Services
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Nguni Stands Up to Gure the Bully

Finding Strength In One Voice





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Descrizione Nguni Stands Up to Gure the Bully

Nguni Stands Up to Gure the Bully is about two young boys who lived in one village in west Cameroon, Central Africa. Gorgeous images of the Cameroon rain-forest bring the prose to life. As the story unwinds, each image captures the enriching culture of some Cameroon people. Nguni was the youngest of the two boys. He is well-liked by the other children in the village, and loved to share his toys with peers. On the other hand, Gure is the strongest kid in the village, and known as the village bully. In this charming tale Nguni, becomes brave and finds the courage of his voice to address the village bully. Nguni's valor brings together the local children, while strengthening the community. Images of natural toys and rhythms of village life draws readers deeper into one of the Cameroon cultural experience.

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