Next to Last Stand: A Longmire Mystery di Craig Johnson edito da PENGUIN GROUP
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Next to Last Stand: A Longmire Mystery

A Longmire Mystery





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Descrizione Next to Last Stand: A Longmire Mystery

The latest novel in the beloved New York Times bestselling Longmire series finds the sheriff chasing down the whereabouts of an iconic American painting.One of the most viewed paintings in American history, Custer's Last Fight, copied and distributed by Anheuser-Busch at a rate of over two million copies a year, was destroyed in a fire at the 7th Cavalry Headquarters in Fort Bliss, Texas, in 1946. Or was it? When Charley Lee Stillwater dies of an apparent heart attack at the Wyoming Home for Soldiers & Sailors, Walt Longmire is called in to try and make sense of a piece of a painting and a Florsheim shoebox containing a million dollars, sending the good sheriff on the trail of a dangerous art heist.

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