The Next Horizon di Robert Butler edito da
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The Next Horizon

Book IV






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Descrizione The Next Horizon

I'm not a fatalist, not a survivalist in the strictest sense, nor a pessimist. I do, however, believe in being prepared for possibilities. If I could afford to do so, I would have done exactly what Henry and Carol did in this book for their family. It doesn't mean that you stop living today or don't plan for a "normal" future for you and your family. What it means is that you recognize that Mother Nature and the universe are not controlled by man, that anything can happen to this planet at any time. The Boy Scout motto of "Be Prepared" has been largely forgotten. I believe that we may be facing exactly the scenario that is envisioned in this piece of fiction, whether because of a Planet X or global warming or some other natural cycle that the earth faces. How many people now think that workable evacuation plans for New Orleans or Houston were a good idea? It's a little late once the water's up to your attic. The same thing is true of what may potentially happen to all of us in the next few years. Regardless, it is inevitable that planet Earth will face these challenges in the future. Anyone who doesn't believe that is a fool.

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