The New York City Subways' Motormans' Ra di TORIN REID edito da Lightning Source Uk Ltd
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The New York City Subways' Motormans' Ra





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Descrizione The New York City Subways' Motormans' Ra

Have you ever REALLY wanted to know why things are the way they are, in today's New York City subway? Did you ever wish that some on the inside would just come out and talk frankly about the truths hidden within the subway? Well, lifelong rail enthusiast and 28 year veteran of the subway Torin Reid does just that. He takes a long and unblinking look at the New York subway as it never has been examined before. Mr. Reid, who is uniquely positioned to write this book, takes the time to look at the actions of the management, the employees and even the passengers in this information packed book about the subway. The reader will learn things and see angles that he or she never saw before. In this book Mr. Reid takes apart and exposes the overfunded subway capital plans, and tells you about the signal system so that the herd mentality about how these track signals perform can be seen in a more objective light, and so professional contractors can stop using the passengers and taxpayers' ignorance for their own greed. He shows the dynamics of a train delay and how a passenger can bypass these things with a little preparation. Rather than offer dry testimonials and prepared statements, Mr. Reid will take you next to a manager, train operator, and frustrated passenger so that all can learn the true position of the other. Mr. Reid also has notes within this book he will quickly touch upon Amtrak, Metro North, Long island, New Jersey Transit and other railroads as well. This book is 1/3 life experience and 2/3 research into the way of the New York City subways, it's employees and its' passengers, and it is enlightening and well worth your time.

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