A New Theory of Numbers di Adrian de Groot edito da Lulu.com
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A New Theory of Numbers

The Latest Discoveries in Mathematics







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Descrizione A New Theory of Numbers

This book represents a breakthrough in number theory, by showing the inner, hidden structure of numbers, such as two types of dual characteristics; the surprising inner structure of prime number reciprocals; hidden multiplication and division tables; the many different ways to "construct" a prime number reciprocal; palindromes; perfect balances of evens and odds; plus and minus differences; a predictable and perfect 12/24-based prime number structure; inner secrets hiding in the Fibonacci series and the Pascal Triangle; ratios related to the square roots of numbers; the special roles of the numbers 1, 2 and 3, as well as 3, 6 and 9; the amazing number 7; the fundamental roles of 81 and 19; the mediating roles of 2 and 5, etc. A bonus chapter has been added about the numbers operating in our solar system. One question will baffle any reader: how is it possible that so many phenomena are happening all at the same time? One question cannot be escaped; Is there an inherent intelligent logic hiding in the world of numbers?

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