The New Encyclopedia of Icebre di Mclaughlin, Peyser edito da John Wiley & Sons
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The New Encyclopedia of Icebre





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Descrizione The New Encyclopedia of Icebre

The New Encyclopedia of Icebreakers-the sequel to the best-selling Encyclopedia of Icebreakers-gives you over 140 innovative activities to energize your training sessions. The book is filled with a variety of activities that will move participants through the stages of group development: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Use this new collection to help people get acquainted, build teams, address team or group issues, develop effective working relationships, and improve learning and retention of new information. The final chapter presents specific adjourning activities to help you bring closure to your training or group work, increase skills and knowledge transfer, and transition the participants back to the workplace. In this new volume, Miriam McLaughlin and Sandra Peyser have created over 140 new icebreaking activities for use in all types of training or group work. The New Encyclopedia of Icebreakers offers a variety of ways to develop group cohesion, encourage team effort, promote good communication, and increase retention of new learning.

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