New Computational Methods in Power System Reliability edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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New Computational Methods in Power System Reliability





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Descrizione New Computational Methods in Power System Reliability

Power system reliability is in the focus of intensive study due to its critical role in providing energy supply to the modern society. This book is not aimed at providing the overview of the state of the art in power system reliability. On the contrary, it describes application of some new specific techniques: universal generating function method and its combination with Monte Carlo simulation and with random processes methods, Semi-Markov and Markov reward models and genetic algorithm. The book can be considered as complementary to power system reliability textbooks. It is suitable for different types of readers. It primarily addresses practising reliability engineers and researchers who have an interest in reliability and performability analysis of power systems. It can also be used as a textbook for senior undergraduate or graduate courses in electrical engineering.

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