Neuroendocrine Correlates of Stress edito da Springer US
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Neuroendocrine Correlates of Stress


Springer US





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Descrizione Neuroendocrine Correlates of Stress

The beautiful town of Cavtat near Dubvronic, Yugoslavia was the site of the twelfth meeting of the International Foundation for Biochemical Endocrinology. It was sponsored by the Serbian Academy for Sciences and Arts and by the Foundation. The Croatia Hotel in Cavtat was a splendid place for a meeting. The presentation of the subject matter relating to "Neuroendocrine Correlates of Stress" was interesting and informa­ tive. The topics included many forms of stress, their mediators and responses. They included: releasing factors; neurotransmitters in the hypothalamus; role of noradrenal ine; the reaction of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis to stress; immunological stress; thermal stress; immobil ization stress; peptides in shock; stress-induced prolactin; stress and acupuncture; stress and behavior; spinal cord transection and stress; electroconvulsive stress; neuroendocrine cells and stress; protein kinase as a signal transducer; the effects of constant 1 ight and darkness on the pineal; sleep, stress and ovarian function; and finally, hormonal response to exercise. Subsequently, the papers presented were rewritten for inclusion in this monograph. The Chairmen for the sessions at Cavtat were K. McKerns and Stefan Manolov, V. Chong-Li and L. Rakic, S. Feldman and R. Mil in, M. Lee and V. Liposits. The next meeting of the Foundation will be held in Edinburgh near the end of September, 1985. The topic will be "Neuroendocrine Molecular Biology" with Professor George Fink as Honorary Chairman of the local organizing committee.

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