Neil Armstrong - First Man on the Moon di Annie Laura Smith edito da The Ardent Writer Press, LLC
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Neil Armstrong - First Man on the Moon





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Descrizione Neil Armstrong - First Man on the Moon

THIS IS THE COLOR INTERIOR PAPERBACK OF NEIL ARMSTRONG, ISBN: 978-1-938667-39-8. THE BLACK AND WHITE INTERIOR PAPERBACK OF NEIL ARMSTRONG IS ISBN: 978-1-64066-110-3. This is a second edition, non-fiction, children's science biography, revised and expanded from the first edition. It is about Neil Armstrong, astronaut, adventurer, educator, and engineer, who on July 21, 1969 became the first person to step onto the surface of the moon. Pushed by the flaming coat-tails of the Saturn V rocket, the earth's most powerful engine, Armstrong and his crew in the Command Module Columbia rode beyond the earth's gravitational pull. Buzz Aldrin accompanied Armstrong to the lunar surface in the Lunar Module Eagle while Michael Collins remained behind in Columbia to wait for the return of the soon-to-be moon-walkers. Neil Armstrong, born August 5, 1930, lived an amazing life of science and adventure, even a photographer and educator, blazing a path that few have followed. He died on August 25, 2012. Though he was a humble man, fame followed him throughout his life in the form of numerous awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, as well as rewarding careers teaching engineering and assisting NASA in several support roles. This children's book, Neil Armstrong-First Man on the Moon, by Annie Laura Smith, is part of The Ardent Writer Press' Young Reader Series of books and biographies, notably biographies of prominent scientists. Be a part of Neil Armstrong's life as an astronaut, educator, and leader for space exploration. He left a rich legacy of achievements which will encourage young readers to pursue careers in science, math, and technology.

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