The Neighbour With The Machete: An explaining view at the violence in Kenya following the General Elections on Dec. 27,  di Georg Kössler edito da GRIN Publishing
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The Neighbour With The Machete: An explaining view at the violence in Kenya following the General Elections on Dec. 27,

An Explaining View At The Violence In Kenya Following The General Elections On Dec. 27, 2007 From The Perspective Of Four Different Theoretical Models





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Master's Thesis from the year 2008 in the subject Politics - Region: Africa, grade: A, Dalarna University, course: Master Program in European Political Sociology, language: English, abstract: The Thesis has the aim to find out the reasons that stand behind the post-election violence in Kenya. After incumbent Mwai Kibaki was declared President over his competitor Raila Odinga on December 30, 2007, Kenya fell into two month of heavy bloodshed. The cleavages where along tribal lines but different theories could explain the happenings. The four theories chosen are dealing with a Security Dilemma, Resource Contesting, Corruptive Elites and Symbolic Policy. It will be shown that dilemma or primordial hatred are existing and contributing but not actual reasons to the initial violence. In contrast, the contest over resources and the incitement of politicians and elders are primary factors that led to the thousands of death and hundreds of thousands of displaced people.

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