The Navy Go-Getter: A Story about Ambition and Persistent Desire di Gregory Collins edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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The Navy Go-Getter: A Story about Ambition and Persistent Desire

A Story About Ambition And Persistent Desire







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Descrizione The Navy Go-Getter: A Story about Ambition and Persistent Desire

The Navy Go Getter is an excellent book, powerfully packed with motivation! This book can be applied to anyone, in any occupation, attempting to achieve any goal. The message of the book was lived out when a Sailor's leading ambition was met with the persistent desire to achieve his goals. You will learn: The power of persistent desire toward your dreams or leading ambition. How to remain motivated to accomplish a task to the very end? That your mental efficiency is a prerequisite to any notable personal achievement or any great individual success. To take personal command of yourself through loyalty, hard work, and leadership. To cultivate the attitude of positive expectation. You cannot help but be motivated after reading this story. Your attitude will change from mere grit into invincible determination! Read The Navy Go-Getter and find out how to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. You will be inspired!

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