Nationalism in Late and Post-Communist Europe: Volume 1 - Volume 3 di Jahn edito da Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft

Nationalism in Late and Post-Communist Europe: Volume 1 - Volume 3





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Descrizione Nationalism in Late and Post-Communist Europe: Volume 1 - Volume 3

The age of nationalism has still not reached its end. Between 1990 and 1993, during an upheaval of epochs, more nation states than ever before have come into being in Europe. In many states, smaller ethnic nations or ethno-national groups continue to fight for their own national statehood (be it as an independent state or the affiliation to another state), equality of rights within a multinational federation, an autonomous territory, or a national personal association with the competences of a state. Within all territorial units there is a competition between state nationalism including all citizens and an ethnic nationalism, which conceives the state unit as special property legitimized in a pseudo-democratic way of an ethnic majority. This present work - now available as a three volume set - is a contribution to comparative studies on nationalism in contemporary history and political science. It gives evidence for the enormous diversity of democratic and undemocratic nationalisms in

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