National Service di Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon, Susan F. Marseken edito da Betascript Publishing

National Service





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Descrizione National Service

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! National service is a common name for mandatory or voluntary government service programs (most often focusing on military service). (Compulsory military service is more often known as conscription.) National service was common in the 20th century, and many young people spent one or more years in such programs. Compulsory military service typically requires all citizens, or all male citizens, to participate for a period of a year (or more in some countries) during their youth, usually at some point between the age of 18 and their late twenties. The term National Service is used to describe compulsory military service programs in countries including Austria, Mexico, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Israel, Malaysia, the Republic of China (Taiwan), Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and Guyana.

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