Nation Of The Sun di Moore HR Moore edito da Harriet Moore
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Nation Of The Sun





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Descrizione Nation Of The Sun

Amari's an ancient and powerful demon who's refused to see her soulmate, Caspar, for a hundred years. In modern day London, Caspar finds her before she remembers her past lives, but he walks a fine line, because she's as stubborn as ever, and when her demon soul awakes, she'll remember why she hates him. Fans of A Discovery of Witches are going to go nuts for this book - I know I did! - USA Today Bestselling Author, Graceley KnoxAmari has a perfect life. She's a successful food critic and is marrying a high-flying human rights lawyer. But the day before her wedding, a stranger, Caspar, tries to solicit her help. She sends him away, but can't shake the feeling that she knows him. When Amari's new husband has to leave the country before their honeymoon, Amari tells Caspar she'll help him. But Amari and Caspar are attacked by an assassin, forcing them into hiding at the London headquarters of the Pagan Nation. Here, she discovers she's an ancient and powerful demon, someone who reincarnates, and that Caspar is her soulmate. As she's drawn into Caspar's world of standing stones and feuding nations, Amari can't deny the deep connection that pulses between them. But she can't remember her past, she has a husband, and finds herself torn between two irreconcilable lives. And not only that, but the Pagans have secrets they refuse to reveal: Why did Amari avoid Caspar for a hundred years? And what happened between Amari and the leader of a rival nation in the past? To determine if she can trust Caspar, if she should help him, she must wake her demon soul and bring back her memories. For one thing is certain: when that happens, the tables will turn. Nation of the Sun is book one in a complete romantasy series set in our world, featuring reincarnation, soulmates, and secret nations. It's perfect for anyone who enjoys ancient, natural magic, romance that spans millennia, and plot twists you might not see coming ...

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