NASA KATAASAN ANG ALLAH - Evidence of the altitude of Allah di Mahmoud Reda Murad edito da Independent Publisher
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NASA KATAASAN ANG ALLAH - Evidence of the altitude of Allah





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Descrizione NASA KATAASAN ANG ALLAH - Evidence of the altitude of Allah

NASA KATAASAN ANG ALLAH Ang mahalagang aklat na ito ay naglalahad ng mga katibayan mula sa Qurán at Sunnah upang patunayan ang katotohanan na ang Allah ay pumaitaas sa Kanyang Arsh (Trono) sa paraang naaangkop sa Kanyang Karangalan at Kadakilaan sa wikang tagalog. ALLAH IS ON HIGH This important book presents evidence from the Qur'an and Sunnah to prove the fact that Allah ascended His Arsh (Throne) in a manner appropriate to His Honor and Greatness in the Tagalog language.Allah, an Arabic word, means God, in the monotheistic sense. Allah is the center of the Qur'an and Islam, as is reflected in the Islamic testament of faith, "There is no God but Allah." He is Rabb al-Alamin, Lord of all Worlds - human, animals, the earth, the universe, angels, this world, and the next.

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