Nanotechnology for the Preparation of Cosmetics Using Plant-Based Extracts edito da ELSEVIER
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Nanotechnology for the Preparation of Cosmetics Using Plant-Based Extracts







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Descrizione Nanotechnology for the Preparation of Cosmetics Using Plant-Based Extracts

Cosmetic manufacturers use nanoscale size ingredients to provide better UV protection, deeper skin penetration, long-lasting effects, increased color and finish quality. This approach enables the forming of nanoscale cosmetic ingredients, which can possess active components readily absorbed into the skin, repair damage easily, and promote improved product outcomes.Nanotechnology for the Preparation of Cosmetics using Plant-Based Extracts explores the various applications of nanotechnology in the cosmetic industry. Techniques for the development of cosmetic are a topic of increasing interest with widespread opportunities for potential applications in a broad range of industrial applications. The book covers a variety of techniques and processes, focusing on its potential applications in the field of skincare and makeup cosmetics. The book will cover not only conventional processes but also innovative and efficient techniques for the preparation of cosmetics exhibiting unique applications in the field.Nanotechnology for the Preparation of Cosmetics using Plant-Based Extracts is an important reference source for materials scientists, engineers and pharmaceutical scientists who want to learn more about the use of cosmetics prepared through nanotechnology to achieve the materials characteristics and enhancements in the mechanism and properties of makeup and skincare.

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