Mystery, History and Future di Allan Josephson edito da AuthorHouse
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Mystery, History and Future

A Parable of Objective Truth







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Descrizione Mystery, History and Future

Every day, in many ways, we use self-evident truth known as axioms. Yet such truth, discovered not invented, unchanging for all time, foundational to all of nature and the sciences, is little understood. Whether understood or not, we obey the quantitative axioms of nature in order to survive. As well, axioms form our way of thinking, establish the starting place of every theory, and are embedded in the many business rules by which we work and live. Here, we tour in conceptual terms everywhere and everywhen-throughout all time-the mystery, history and future of these tiny grains of objective truth, finding by their wonderful characteristics that they point to intelligent design, and by implication to an Intelligent Designer. After touring nature and the sciences to uncover our exemplary "slice" of objective truth, and after our virtual Meeting of the Dream Team of Discovery where past and current great scientists and technologists bestow their ideas, each reader may attain or strengthen positional freedom. This is the freedom found by many scientists who searched for the mind of God and by myriad everyday persons through their straightforward appreciation of the wonders of nature. Such freedom is to hold sensible belief in science and faith! Our story on the road to this freedom is for the atheist, agnostic and believer; indeed that should cover about everyone! Truth is overwhelmingly more important than the name of any discoverer or taleteller. As well, a story about objective truth dictates all of the objectivity one can muster, including absence of self. This author has insignificant standing with respect to the discoveries described; he only relates the truths discovered and hinted of for our future, the great scientists who searched and found them, and the other things they learned. The adopted pen name keeps the author out of the way of the story about objective truth. There is a more wide-reaching purpose for the pen name, and one will need to examine the

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