Mystery at Mirror Lake di Myra Galloway edito da Covenant Books
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Mystery at Mirror Lake





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Descrizione Mystery at Mirror Lake

Mystery at Mirror Lake is about issues after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. It takes place in a small mountain town in North Carolina. Denton Gage is the new Sheriff of Mirror Lake; he comes from New York City and was with the NYPD and one of the first responders when 9/11 attacks took place. He lost his wife in the attacks so after the dust settled he decides to take the position of Sheriff for Mirror Lake. Helen Colman grew up in Mirror Lake but lived most of her adult life in a small South Georgia town until her husband died and she moved back home to take care of her mother. As this story unfolds the mystery begins and shows just how vulnerable any town in America can be and how its citizens can pull together to protect their homes and our nation. It also allows the powers that be in our nation's capital to realize where our vulnerabilities lie and what needs to be done to ensure that we as a whole nation and its people are protected from such attacks in the future.

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