The Mysterious Smell That Didn't Sit So Well di Deonna Baney edito da Franklin Publishers
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The Mysterious Smell That Didn't Sit So Well



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Descrizione The Mysterious Smell That Didn't Sit So Well

This book is a perfect family-friendly read that will keep readers guessing until the end -- a funny rhyming adventure with Daddy, Mommy, Marilyn, and Scarlett as they try to uncover the source of a mysterious smell that doesn't quite sit so well. The Mysterious Smell That Didn't Sit So Well is a family friendly story that is sure to get the whole family involved in this fun-filled funny rhyming adventure. Tag along with Daddy, Mommy, Marilyn, and Scarlett as they try to figure out what is making their clean house smell so terribly bad. This book is sure to keep you guessing until the end. Sometimes things are different than they seem, so keep looking until the house is once again smelling clean...

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