My Son's Eternal Birth di Jeff Zbydniewski edito da AuthorHouse
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My Son's Eternal Birth







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Descrizione My Son's Eternal Birth

A few months prior to my son Jeff's thirteenth birthday he experienced his earthly death. Jeff was not only my son, but he is my earthly example of what God created man for. We "always" wanted to be together, he often told me that he would rather spend time with me than do anything else, and I always responded with the same phrase back at him. I was inspired to write this book because of how God blessed me and still blesses me today with the "earthly separation of a loved one" understanding. [Unfortunately] I understand the pain, sadness, and devastation of losing a loved one through death. I have been blessed abundately from God in regards to an understanding of earthly death, which results in eternal birth, and it is heavy on my heart to share these blessings with you. This is a true story of love, hope, truth, and opportunity. I pray that this book blesses you and allows you to receive the blessings and understanding that is needed to fulfill your eternal destiny.

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