My Name Is Paris, Mystery of the Deadly Diamond di Elizabeth Howard edito da iBooks
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My Name Is Paris, Mystery of the Deadly Diamond







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Descrizione My Name Is Paris, Mystery of the Deadly Diamond

¿Meet PARIS Paris Mackenzie is a sixteen-year-old from Chicago with an irrepressible personality and a passion for Sherlock Holmes. When she visits her namesake city at the turn of the century, Paris finds all the glamour and romance she ever dreamed of. But the city's glittering façade hides a dark underside, whose danger is like a magnet to the intrepid Paris, pulling her closer and closer to treachery, deceit. . . and even murder. MYSTERY OF THE DEADLY DIAMOND When Paris and her new friend Violette use Violette's experimental diving bell to explore the floor of the Seine, the trunk they discover proves an empty disappointment. Or is it? It soon becomes the first clue in a trail that leads from the recent theft of a priceless diamond to the villainous Madame Méduse. Even more disturbing is the connection that begins to emerge between Méduse, Violette, and Paris's own father. What links them together and what are the consequences for Paris if she insists on discovering the truth? This stunning fourth book in the My Name Is Paris series is a spellbinding mix of drama and intrigue.

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