My Life in Your Eyes di Ellsie Brooks edito da iUniverse
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My Life in Your Eyes

Addyson's Story







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Descrizione My Life in Your Eyes

Addyson Michaels is the most popular girl in school. She has a head of perfect brown hair, crystal clear skin, and eyes the most alluring shade of amber you've ever seen. No one sees those things, though. Her celebrity status stems from the fact that she's sixteen years old, five feet and six inches tall, and weighs 245 pounds. Anyone looking for someone to tease, degrade, pull pranks on, or humiliate to better their own reputation invariably finds their way to Addy. Everyone knows her by name. Braxton Carmen, Addy's lifelong best friend, just happens to be one of the hottest guys in her school-a point that only serves to make things worse. Brax is very protective of Addy and has very easily adapted to the "big brother" role, though he's only about a month older. Brax is at the center of every positive thing Addy has to hold on to, and over the last few months she's begun to notice a change in her feelings for him. Could it be love? Motivated by her feelings for Braxton and appreciation for his loyalty to her all these years, Addy begins to wonder if he would enjoy the life he'd have if he weren't stuck protecting her from the cruelty of their peers. Perhaps it's time to let him go-even if he doesn't want to.

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