My Life As A Virgin Becoming A Legend di Jigten Lakha edito da America Star Books

My Life As A Virgin Becoming A Legend





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Descrizione My Life As A Virgin Becoming A Legend

My Life as a Virgin Becoming a Legend is about a woman challenged by many fates and obstacles. She moves from world to world, both on the inside and out. Karma follows her all through her unfortunate, yet lucky, life. Surviving in a world of hate, she eventually finds love, only to face the final challengearebirth and enlightenment. Early in her life, she must cope with anger and hate. She discovers love in the birth of her son, and her heart is at rest, even though her past haunts her. Finding herself in a world of magic, she becomes a princess in her next life, and through adventures, she gains experience. Her husbandas death puts her in a state of anger, yet she remains compassionate and becomes enlightened, only to be taken by the gods.

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