My Life as a Professional Seat Cover di Suzanne Marsh edito da iUniverse
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My Life as a Professional Seat Cover

A Memoir of Life on the Road







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Descrizione My Life as a Professional Seat Cover

My Life as a Professional Seat Cover is a memoir written to help bridge the gap between truckers and the general motoring public. It is not that truck drivers are misunderstood; it is the misconceptions that the general motoring public has about the trucking industry. Just because trucks are larger and have more brakes does not mean that they can stop quickly especially when trucks are loaded almost to the gross weight of 80,000 pounds. The issues confronting truckers today from the changes in the Hours of Service, to the point system instituted by the FMCSA, to HR763 which if passed will affect the entire motoring public. How will all these changes directly or indirectly affect consumers, the economy and the general public. Earl and Sue Marsh have three daughters, eleven grand children and one great grandson. When they are not on the road trucking they are at home in Temple, Texas.

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