My Ladybug's Alzheimer's Journey di R. D. Carter edito da iUniverse
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My Ladybug's Alzheimer's Journey

She Looked Like My Mother But She Did Not ACT Like My Mother







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Descrizione My Ladybug's Alzheimer's Journey

My Ladybug's Alzheimer's Journey is about the disease that seemed too far removed to imagine it affecting the most important persons in my life, my mother. My assumptions changed drastically when Alzheimer took over my mother's existence in all phases of her life. My hope for help from the medical profession hit rock bottom when they informed me, "There is no cure for the disease." It was even more agonizing when I watched my mother mysteriously drifting away from me, disappearing into a world of disorientation and delirium. I became a stranger to my own mother. Near the end, there was a paradoxical shift when I became the mother and my mother became my child. My Ladybug's Alzheimer's Journey chronicles the grueling challenges in the relationship between a mother and daughter that revolved within complex behaviors and grief of losing a living mother to a life destroyed by Alzheimer's Disease. Hopefully readers will join the journey where loved ones can walk together and reach a goal of empathy and understanding. Ultimately, the final aim is to help family members find ways of coping with the many faces of this life damaging disease; Alzheimer.

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