My Husband's Marriage is Fine, but Mine Isn't di Aretha S. Larsen edito da iUniverse
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My Husband's Marriage is Fine, but Mine Isn't

Patience And Trust In God: The Key To A Fulfilling Life







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Descrizione My Husband's Marriage is Fine, but Mine Isn't

When Sarah married Robert, he promised he would never leave her. There was a time when they were happy and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. But Robert lied. He left swiftly, like a thief in the night, with no trace or clues, to live with another woman. Sarah had thought she and Robert would spend the rest of their lives together. A Christian novel of rebuilding trust and fidelity, My Husband's Marriage is Fine, but Mine Isn't, tells Sarah's story, a story of a woman who loved her husband more than her own life. She expected him to make her happy and when the promises were shattered she became dejected, depressed, and despondent in the relationship. In fact, she was broken. But with faith and God's intervention, she became strong and resilient in the midst of her crumbling marriage.

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