In my hand I have a star di Stoyanka Filina edito da
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In my hand I have a star

Bulgarian edition






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Descrizione In my hand I have a star

A Life was taken from me... A true love story of two people with two very different cultures, beliefs, backgrounds, ethnicities and traditions coming together as one. While their differences are worlds away, these two create one world together. Bella... Luxuries are not equivalent to love. The tangible materials given to us only temporarily satisfy one's needs, while love remains eternal. One woman learns this alongside her husband, who has given her all but the love she desperately craves. I have a Star in my Hand... Being chosen by God is a blessing, especially when you're living for the truth. A young girl joins a fisherman and she realizes her miraculous powers from the divine. The key to this? A star. The Watch... What is eternal love, and how long does it last? This is the recurring question asked throughout this story. Will love conquer all barriers, through the thick and thin that life brings us? Love is Magic, but also Freedom! These four tales become intertwined into a beautiful play about a Bulgarian woman, unhappily married to an English nobleman. She feels truly passionate about Valentin, an unmarried man who he and the rest of his society frown upon adultery. Will Emilia find true love with Valentine, and escape the cage holding her back from being free? Join Stoyanka Filina and her second book of freedom, love, and revitalized decisions that can change one's life forever.

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