My Deputy In Law and The Odd Ball di Gardiner M Weir edito da Lulu Publishing Services
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My Deputy In Law and The Odd Ball





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Descrizione My Deputy In Law and The Odd Ball

This story is told by the Sheriff of a small town. His elderly Deputy had just retired and there was need for a replacement. The search resulted in six candidates of which five were men varying in age from twenty to the late thirties but the sixth was a dashing young woman of twenty two and Hispanic. There were different views on that but the majority vote of the Town Council elected her. The Sheriff was in that agreement and set out to train her in the appropriate aspects of law and the necessary police skills. The population of the town were curious about this departure from tradition, not just the first-ever woman Deputy but such an attractive one; and the Sheriff had a career challenge. Sam Johnson was a research scientist specializing in the finding of new and profitable pharmaceutical chemicals. He had several patents in his name as proof of his dedication and ability. He showed little emotion beyond his personal need to find the relevant data and arrange them in logical order.

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