My Comrades' Thoughts On Black Lives Matter edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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My Comrades' Thoughts On Black Lives Matter





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Descrizione My Comrades' Thoughts On Black Lives Matter

My Comrades' Thoughts On Black Lives Matter is a volume of writings collected from people imprisoned by the U.S. racist state. It is a prisoner-led project produced with the assistance of an outside editor and aims to bring a prisoner's perspective on the Black Lives Matter concept and a much-needed perspective on the Movement for Black Lives in its entirety. Key components of the project focus on the abuse and violence suffered by imprison people, histories and theories of the prison industrial complex as a regime of engendered racist chattel slavery, and the methods of resistance from-the everyday to the insurgent and spectacular-that people inside U.S. gulags use to oppose their condition of enslavement. The book includes the works of Sitawa Nantambu Jamaa, Yusuf Bey IV, Ivan Kilgore, and many other imprisoned artists' writings and poetry.

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