My Big Box of Horses and Ponies [With 3 Model HorsesWith Model Stable to Construct, Picture FrameWith 48 Page BookWith Special Ribb di Don Harper edito da Barron's Educational Series

My Big Box of Horses and Ponies [With 3 Model HorsesWith Model Stable to Construct, Picture FrameWith 48 Page BookWith Special Ribb





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Descrizione My Big Box of Horses and Ponies [With 3 Model HorsesWith Model Stable to Construct, Picture FrameWith 48 Page BookWith Special Ribb

This box of equine fun and information for children tells kids all about different horse breeds from many different parts of the world. It also contains three realistic miniature plastic models of horses--each roughly four inches from nose to tail--and an easy-to-assemble model stable and pasture made of sturdy cardboard, just the right size to house the model horses. Enclosed with these items is a color-illustrated book that describes a variety of horse breeds, including the huge, powerful Ardennes and Clydesdale draft horses, the swift Arab racehorse, the Exmoor, an ideal children's riding pony, and many others. The book also describes several famous horses, including the racing thoroughbred "Seabiscuit, "and "Trigger, " a famous Palomino horse.

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€ 18.50

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