In My Attic: A Magical Misfits Mystery di Lina Hansen edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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In My Attic: A Magical Misfits Mystery

A Magical Misfits Mystery





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Descrizione In My Attic: A Magical Misfits Mystery

Sometimes all it takes is murder to discover who you truly are. Myrtle Coldron shared her parents' practical view of the world, so when she was orphaned as a teenager and sent to live with an aunt with more than a few Wiccan leanings, her worlds clashed. Intent on escaping from all things witchy and an aunt with a decided idea of who should be given her magical lineage, Myrtle settles herself in academia, far from the small medieval village of Avebury. But when she receives a call about her aunt's mysterious death from a fall from the attic, Myrtle's carefully constructed world falls apart. Guilt-laden from ignoring her aunt's pleas for help as simply more of her witchy ramblings, Myrtle returns to Avebury to bury her aunt, sell the Witch's Retreat-her aunt's witch-themed inn-and put this part of her life behind her forever. Yet the sleepy, historic village will not let her be: at turns met by cryptic folks and strange happenings, including threatening notes, footsteps in the attic in the middle of the night, and a plant with a mind-and legs-of its own, Myrtle determines she owes it to her aunt to find out what happened. Distraught and hounded by a selfish cousin, two daft but well-meaning sisters, and two equally handsome-and equally suspicious-boarders, Myrtle soon discovers that taking a practical approach to things otherworldly isn't the best plan and that denying her lineage-and her powers-may just cost her her life.

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