Music Composition In Contexts Of Early Childhood di Aleksandra Acker, Berenice Nyland, Jan Deans, Kylie Payman, Suzana Klarin edito da Springer Nature Switzerland AG
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Music Composition In Contexts Of Early Childhood

Creation, Communication And Multi-Modal Experiences Through Music





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Descrizione Music Composition In Contexts Of Early Childhood

This book explores the narratives of a group of four-year-old children in a composition project in an Australian early learning centre. The participants, centre staff and a composer, Stephen Leek, contributed a number of music sessions for the children, including five original songs. The book showcases young children¿s communicative ability and sensitivity to wider issues. The staff in the centre have a strongly voiced philosophy that is enacted through arts-based pedagogy and incorporates significant themes including a respect for Aboriginal culture and custodial responsibility towards a sustainable future for the earth. Examples of adult and children¿s ideas are illustrated through music making, singing, dancing, words, drawings and paintings, which provide insights into a world where children are viewed as active citizens and the arts have rights. The book describes the context of the centre, the history of projects and details one project as an example of ¿lifeworthy learning¿.

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