Murderer's Paradise di George F. Worts edito da Popular Publications
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Murderer's Paradise

The Complete Adventures of Singapore Sammy, Volume 4





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Descrizione Murderer's Paradise

Sailor Singapore Sammy Shay roamed the South Seas, desperate to find the father he neither knew nor loved. For reckless old Bill Shay had absconded with the only copy of a will that left all of his own father's worldly riches to Sammy alone. Singapore Sammy didn't know why, and he didn't care particularly. He just wanted to get his hands on that precious document. He had only two clues to go on: his old man loved pearls and elephants-in that order. When Sammy came into possession of the fabulous Malobar pearl, he realized that he had something to bargain with. If only he could track down the elusive Bill Shay.... In his youth, George Frank Worts had been a telegraph operator on ships making the China run when he turned his experiences in Asia into some of the most memorable escape fiction ever to appear in the pages of Argosy magazine. The volume collects the longest story in the saga of Singapore Sammy Shay and Lucky Jones of the schooner, Blue Goose: "Murderer's Paradise."

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