Murder In San Francisco di Mariann Tadmor edito da Xlibris
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Murder In San Francisco

A Jamie Prescott Mystery







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Descrizione Murder In San Francisco

In Murder at Machu Picchu private investigator, Jamie Prescott, co-owner of a travel agency in Bethesda, Maryland, and dedicated Tae Kwon Doe practitioner, is faced with the gruesome murder of a client on a tour to Peru. Her investigation takes her to Lima, to Paris, and New York where hair-raising events include two more murders. In Murder in Barbados Jamie Prescott lands in trouble immediately upon arriving on that Caribbean island. Dead bodies wash up on the shore. A woman disappears and the trail leads to Copenhagen where Jamie soon encounters more trouble before wrapping up the case in a surprise ending. What readers say: "Well-written. Fast-paced. Entertaining. Intelligent." MURDER IN SAN FRANCISCO Private Investigator Jamie Prescott still has it. The talent for landing in hot water, that is. When she attends a travel agents' convention in San Francisco she is plunged into the mystery surrounding a missing true crime TV producer and his lost research materials. Ever undaunted, her probe brings about a confrontation with a local private eye, with the producer's wife, and with his New York co-producer. Other characters such as a provocative fair dinkum Aussie, a visiting journalist, and a paroled murderer, muddy the waters.

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