Murder Of A Novelist / Death In Lord Byron's Room di Wood Sally Wood edito da Coachwhip Publications
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Murder Of A Novelist / Death In Lord Byron's Room





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Descrizione Murder Of A Novelist / Death In Lord Byron's Room

Murder of a Novelist: New England spinster Ann Thorne's quiet life with her well-appointed home suffers the intrusion of murder when the body of her obnoxious neighbor, a writer, is found in her formal garden. The sheriff soon targets the man's guest, who turns out to be an old paramour of Ann's. Ann is as smart as they come, and shrewd, being a diplomat's daughter, so she begins her own investigation into the motives and possible suspects surrounding the dead novelist. Death in Lord Byron's Room: Patriotic duty calls Ann Thorne out of her quiet New England life after the War, when an old friend needs her experience and intelligence to recover important intelligence in post-War Switzerland. With her lovely young niece, Nancy, Ann must use her diplomatic background to navigate a circle of possible spies while trying to figure out who left a dying man at their hotel door . . . This volume includes a bibliographic introduction by golden-age detective fiction historian Curtis Evans.

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