Murder at the Oasis di Breanna Cone edito da iUniverse
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Murder at the Oasis

A Gumshoe Mystery Novel







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Descrizione Murder at the Oasis

The Oasis Bed and Breakfast officially opens for business when the O'Shay Family invites the whole town of Spencer City, Connecticut to share their Thanksgiving dinner. The day is spent reminiscing with family and good friends sitting on every available spot on the porch and steps of the new hostelry. With the busy Christmas season speedily approaching, there isn't any time for the newlyweds to reflect on their new life together. The entire staff begins to decorate the country inn the very next day with balsam boughs, holly branches laden with red berries and stringing lights on the trees and shrubs within the grounds for the upcoming holidays. Everything's going well until a body is found underneath one of the gazebos. Dr. Maxwell Fox, newly elected county coroner, rules the death suspicious when he sees the knife still embedded in the chest cavity. Who is the mystery man and who murdered him? The ensuing investigation brings out a few surprising facts about more than one prominent person in the small town.

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